Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We All Need The Seed Of Truth

Dear Reader,

I don’t want anything more than what anyone else has, so it saddens me to see such great deprivation in my neighbor, in my peer, in my kin.  What’s lacking is the presence of Christ. 
We each have a heart that will either be filled or remain unfilled by the presence of the Holy Spirit at the time we perish.  As Christians, we are called to evangelize so that unbelievers will become filled with the Spirit, leading to eternal life with God in heaven.  Not every man will be saved, as Scripture indicates.  So I wonder:  Do unsaved people feel empty?  Do they know that something (Someone) is missing?  

When I am in the Spirit, communing with my Father, I am full.  But in myself, I am incomplete. I feel unfulfilled.   This is not an indication that Christ does not fill me, but rather a revelation that I am not enough.  Christ is enough.  He is Christ in me, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
How can anyone outside of this hope and fulfillment live?  The answer is distraction.  Satan uses it as a powerful tool of persuasion for those who don’t yet know the Lord. Unbelievers live in a constant state of ignorance about the spiritual battle that is continually won against them.  It’s hard to see our friends and families turn to substances and ill-suited people as a means to satisfy the longing they unknowingly have for Christ.

Our Christian duty is to plant the seed of truth, that is, Jesus’ death and resurrection and His resulting Spirit which is to dwell in us, guiding our actions toward that which will glorify God.  Without this knowledge and without the care of we who walk in Christ, and mostly, without the salvation that God grants those who believe in His Son, there is no hope for an unbelieving soul.
It is painful to look at an unbeliever and know the riches he misses out on every day when I wake up to the presence and fulfillment of Christ each morning.  So I pray that the Lord will teach me how to represent Him on earth, so that others will long for eternity.  And that is also my prayer for you: That God will give you the desire to plant that seed of truth.  

In His name,

1 comment:

  1. Tuesday the 27th day of March:
    A very good read oh Gallant Warrior. Write on in the Victory we have in Christ! Wake up your people Dear Lord.
